Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
~ Ryunosuke Satoro
Take a leap of faith with us and join something that will appeal to you: 100+ Women Who Care Greater Durand Area. This group is so simple, it’s brilliant.
Over one-hundred women come to a one-hour meeting and agree to write a $100.00 check at the end to be given to a local charity. No pizza kits or cookie dough to sell. No dinner party. No little black dress required. Just show up as you are, (yoga pants, just off the bleachers, whatever) and walk out in less than an hour. A local nonprofit gets over $10,000 immediately! The impact we have is immeasurable.
You are not required to pitch a nonprofit. If that part stresses you out, just disregard it. But, perhaps you know of a great organization that could use a little boost. If you do, please check out our presentation information.
We promise you will be impressed by 100+ Women. The beauty is: it is easy and guilt-free . No worries if you cannot make a meeting. One more thing to feel good about; one less thing to feel guilty about. This was designed by busy women for busy women. There are no explanations necessary.
Please tell your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, nieces, neighbors, community leaders and coworkers, near and far. Share this unique opportunity with your friends in other states and communities!
Share our website and encourage others to join our Facebook page. Help us spread the word!
Are you ready to make a difference? Join today.