

Over $177,000 donated locally since September, 2016

We are a group of women who are interested in supporting our local community of the Greater Durand Area (Durand, Byron, Bancroft, Lennon, Gaines & Vernon) by contributing to local 501(c)(3)  nonprofits together, as a unit, to increase the impact of our donation. We are reaching out to friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers to join our chapter of 100+ Women Who Care-Greater Durand Area. Being a local resident is NOT a requirement!

We come from all walks of life and different financial backgrounds. Together we have the ability to contribute to the growth of our community in ways that we never before thought possible.

We invite YOU to become a part of this powerful group, joining other women who wish to have a positive impact in our community.

The first 100 Women Who Care group was formed in November of 2006 by Karen Dunigan of Jackson, Michigan. At their first one-hour meeting the Jackson 100 Women Who Care group raised $10,000 to buy new baby cribs for an organization in their city. There are more than 650 women, men, people, businesses, and kids chapters located throughout the world.

100+ Women Who Care Greater Durand Area was established in February 2016, by Shari Demo, Leslie Dietrich, Kasey Fiebernitz, Linda Greeson, Debbie Lintz, Karla Luchenbill and Kathy Wilson. Our first giving meeting was held on September 22, 2016.

Are you ready to make a difference? Join today


How It Works

Do all the good you can, and make as little fuss about it as possible.
-Charles Dickens

  • Each member commits to donating $100 per meeting ($200 per year). 100+ Women Who Care Greater Durand Area is open to ALL women. The more women we gather, the greater the impact within our community.
  • Donations are intended for Greater Durand Area 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations serving our local communities. National charities will not be considered. The purpose is for the contribution to stay 100% within the community.
  • Upon arrival at the meeting members who wish to present a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization will complete a nomination ticket and place it in ‘the basket’ for the drawing. Three nonprofit submissions will be randomly drawn at the meeting.
  • Only members who have signed a Commitment Form and are current with their contributions may submit a nonprofit for consideration.
  • Members who wish to submit a nonprofit for consideration should be ready to make a five minute presentation at the meeting to the group, followed by a 3 minute period where the presenter takes questions from the group. Only members in good standing can present.
  • Only members who are current in their contributions are eligible to vote at meetings.
  • Each member can nominate only one nonprofit group per meeting. If you know of more than one group you would like to see receive funds, please ask another member to submit one of the groups.
  • If more than one member nominates the same non-profit organization, that organization can only be presented once in that meeting, by the first nomination drawn. 
  • If a nominated nonprofit is selected to receive funds, that nonprofit is ineligible to be awarded funds for the following 2 years. The nominating member may still submit the name of another nonprofit.
  •  If you make a presentation and your your nomination is not chosen, you may resubmit your nonprofit at succeeding meetings. If a member’s nonprofit is chosen, that organization is not eligible for consideration for two years from the date of the meeting. However, the member is eligible to submit other nonprofits for consideration at future meetings.
  • All checks will be written directly to the chosen organization. If you are unable to attend, please give your check or CASH to a member to deliver on your behalf, mail it in, or use our credit card option. The winning organization will be posted on the group Facebook page within 24 hours. Members are expected to send their check to the designated address within 48 hours.
  • The winning organization must agree to NOT use the donors’ names for future solicitations nor share our membership information with the public. If the nonprofit breaches this directive they will be removed from any future consideration. The organization is also required to send a representative to the next meeting to present to the Membership how the funds have benefited their mission.
  • Each member will vote by ballot – the majority rules. Even if your choice does not win, all Members are responsible for writing a check to the winning nonprofit.
  • In the case of a two-way tie the membership will be provided with the names of the two nonprofits and a second vote will be taken. If the second vote results in another tie then we will randomly pick one of the two nonprofits name out of a hat. In the case of a three-way tie we will randomly pick one of the three names out of a hat.

Are you ready to make a difference? Join today.

Presentation Info

Don’t give the people what they want, give them what they need.

-Joss Whedon

Presentations should be simple and not overly formal. Here are some topics that you should include:
  • Your name and the name of your pitched organization.
  • Where is the organization located?
  • What is the mission of the organization?
  • What purpose does the organization serve? (Who? What do they do? How do they do it?)
  • How would they benefit from receiving the donation? How will the funds be used?
  • How many people do they serve on a monthly or annual basis?
  • What percentage of funds go directly to their mission? What percentage goes towards overhead and marketing?
  • What is the organization’s operating budget? How does the organization sustain their budget?
  • Are they a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit?
  • End with a heartfelt thank you.
  • Each member can nominate only one nonprofit group per meeting. If you know of more than one group you would like to see receive funds, please ask another member to submit one of the groups.
  • If more than one member nominates the same non-profit organization, that organization can only be presented once in that meeting, by the first nomination drawn. 

Power & Excitement

  • There is an amazing sense of power and excitement in the room as many women know they have personally written a check for a positive donation.
  • Many women are, for the first time, entering the world of philanthropy through this model.
  • At each meeting, 100+ women in the community are learning about the needs of their neighbors and the agencies that serve them.
  • Each organization has the opportunity to showcase their projects. Even if it is not chosen, it has exposure to over 100 women.

Spread The Word

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.

~ Ryunosuke Satoro

Take a leap of faith with us and join something that will appeal to you: 100+ Women Who Care Greater Durand Area. This group is so simple, it’s brilliant.

Over one-hundred women come to a one-hour meeting and agree to write a $100.00 check at the end to be given to a local charity. No pizza kits or cookie dough to sell. No dinner party. No little black dress required. Just show up as you are, (yoga pants, just off the bleachers, whatever) and walk out in less than an hour. A local nonprofit gets over $10,000 immediately! The impact we have is immeasurable.

You are not required to pitch a nonprofit. If that part stresses you out, just disregard it. But, perhaps you know of a great organization that could use a little boost. If you do, please check out our presentation information.

We promise you will be impressed by 100+ Women. The beauty is: it is easy and guilt-free . No worries if you cannot make a meeting. One more thing to feel good about; one less thing to feel guilty about. This was designed by busy women for busy women. There are no explanations necessary.

Please tell your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, nieces, neighbors, community leaders and coworkers, near and far. Share this unique opportunity with your friends in other states and communities!

Share our website and encourage others to join our Facebook page. Help us spread the word!

Are you ready to make a difference? Join today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which organizations are allowed to be sponsored? In order to be considered at a meeting, the organization must be located in the Greater Durand Area. It must be a tax exempt nonprofit organization that serves surrounding local communities. If it is NOT, the presenter must advise the members of that information.

How is the organization that receives the donation chosen? A member who has signed the commitment form can put the name of a local organization into the box for a random drawing. The organizers of the meeting will collect names of organizations from the participants as they arrive. At random, three organizations will be selected from the box. The members who wrote down each name will be asked to come up and give a short 5 minute presentation as to why their chosen organization should receive the donation. A three minute question and answer period follows.

Each member can nominate only one nonprofit group per meeting. If you know of more than one group you would like to see receive funds, please ask another member to submit one of the groups.

If more than one member nominates the same non-profit organization, that organization can only be presented once in that meeting, by the first nomination drawn. 

How long do the meetings last?
Meetings are intended to be very short, generally lasting no longer than 1 hour.

Is my contribution tax deductible? How do I get my tax forms?
Yes, your contribution is 100% tax deductible. Checks are written directly to the local organization, NOT to 100+ Women Who Care. Your tax acknowledgement letter will be directly from the organization that receives your contribution.  NOTE: Any sponsored nonprofit is not allowed to create, sell or distribute a list with your contact information. They are not allowed to solicit you for further contributions. If this were to happen, the organization would no longer be considered at future meetings.

Can my employer match my contribution?
Yes, in many instances your employer may match your contribution dollar for dollar. Contact your employer to see if they have a matching contribution program. You may submit the form along with your check.

I would like to bring a friend to the meeting who is not signed up…
Of course you can! In order to vote they will need to complete a commitment form  (online, in person, or by mail) prior to the start of the meeting.

© 2021 100+ Women Who Care Greater Durand Area